Oh, It’s Again 01:11! Why?
Before getting, in brief, I want to say I’m kind of a close-minded(rigid) person. Who laughs when someone talks about spirituality and astrological stuff. But after a few strange experiences, I changed a lot.
Same Numbers Over & Over Again
It’s all started when I coincidently notice the time. I was working on a client’s project. I received a message from a client at midnight approximately around 12.15 AM that some of their customers is facing some issues while accessing the website and told me to resolve it as soon as possible. I woke up and turn on my laptop to get an idea of what exactly the problem is. I fixed the issue by applying some logic to it and messaged him to check the website.
I dropped a message and waited for confirmation so that I can go to bed. While waiting I take my iPhone to take a look at the time and it was 01:11 AM. I closed my eyes for a few seconds. Suddenly I watched some weird fire shapes coming from the bright red background, in quick response, I opened my eyes and saw that it was just my table lamp who forced me to assume that red background. This is what I assume to make myself convince.
On next day, after buying an espresso from Starbucks, I was crossing a busy road and I looked at a traffic signal and it was showing 01:11. Suddenly a biker passed from too close to me, I was shocked! And dropped my coffee cup. After that I experienced one more coincidence of seeing a 01:11 number in a cricket match while passing from a local electronic and gadgets shop, my mind picking that number again and again wherever I go.
Decode It
After that, I began seeing sequence 111 everywhere. At work, on car number plates, social media, 5–6 times a day. Then, after three months and a few days, I again started seeing that sequence. I was playing a video game when I got a phone call at 01:11 PM on Sunday, and the phone call was to inform me that I have to go office and complete some tasks, after that nearly 2:00 PM the accident of short circuit happened at my neighbor’s apartment and fire touched my apartment too. Nobody was there in an apartment but sadly one dog gets burn in that accident. And suddenly that sequence made sense. Now I interpret seeing the sequence as a sign to pay attention to.
Then I started researching that it’s just me or anyone else who feels the same as me. I read many articles related to “Synchronistic number ”(Some called it Angel Number or master number). Repeating sequences in a daily routine is fearful apprehension of the future.
But what do they mean?
I found that 111 or 11:11 or 01:11 is just normal and indicates that you have to wake up. If this number can speak, it might be the shout.
However, once you started aware of your synchronistic number or patterns of a number, you can take possible precautions for whatever evil you’re thinking of. It’s not only about 111 or 1111. There are many synchronistic numbers are present, Which are set by your spirit guardian angel. Who is smarter than you and well-wisher for you. Here are a few meanings of the synchronistic number.
Repeating 0: A new beginning.
Repeating 1: It acts as a wake-up call.
Repeating 2: It has to do with people and relationships stuff.
Repeating 3: It gives you confidence in what you are doing.
Repeating 4: It reminds you to be productive and finish what work you need to get done to reap the benefits later on.
Repeating 5: It shows up when you’re in a rut or when you feel stagnant in your life and need to change for the better.
Repeating 6: It indicates the end of something or a change.
Repeating 7: It’s an all-around, a good fortune number.
Repeating 8: It’s guiding you towards opportunities to become more abundant and nurture projects that will benefit you tremendously.
Repeating 9: It’s the type of finality, an end of a cycle.
Here is a site where you get more details ideas about your synchronistic number.
Trusting Your Intuition
The more you ignore the numbers, the more likely you see them. In short, As long as you are not paying attention, that will try to show you that thing. You may see a series of the same non-sequential numbers over and over again as well. This means you’ll need to consider the meaning of each of the numbers separately, and what they mean together. This is open to your interpretation based on what is happening in your life.
Try to keep an open mind. Everything is open to interpretation, and the real lesson here — whether you believe or not — is that there is always benefit in believing your intuition because you are more powerful than you think.